Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Name | Dirk Wenig | |
Address | Parkallee 207B 28213 Bremen Germany |
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Phone | +49 421 43740630 | |
Website | | |
Nationality | German | |
Date of Birth | Oct. 17, 1982 |
Since 04/2020 | Founder IDA GmbH Bremen, Germany |
01/2013 03/2020 | Research Associate Digital Media Lab, Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI), University of Bremen Bremen, Germany |
01/2013 02/2017 | Barkeeper Schmidt's Kneipe Rotenburg (Wümme), Germany |
07/2009 12/2012 | Scholarship Holder Graduate School "Advances in Digital Media" (funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation, KTS), Digital Media Lab, Center for Computing and Communication Technologies (TZI), University of Bremen Bremen, Germany |
07/2009 05/2015 | Dr.-Ing. (magna cum laude) Thesis "Navigation in the Real World and in Virtual Worlds", University of Bremen Bremen, Germany |
10/2003 04/2009 | Dipl.-Inf. (grade 1.2) Thesis "User-generated Content for Image-Based Mobile Navigation", University of Bremen Bremen, Germany |
Selected Publications |
BibTex copied
BibTex of Does It Feel Real?: Using Tangibles with Different Fidelities to Build and Explore Scenes in Virtual Reality copied to clipboard.
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BibTex of Does It Feel Real?: Using Tangibles with Different Fidelities to Build and Explore Scenes in Virtual Reality could not be copied to clipboard.
Thomas Muender, Anke V. Reinschluessel, Sean Drewes, Dirk Wenig, Tanja Döring and Rainer Malaka (2019) Does It Feel Real?: Using Tangibles with Different Fidelities to Build and Explore Scenes in Virtual Reality In CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, New York, NY, USA. | BibTex
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BibTex of Pharos: Improving Navigation Instructions on Smartwatches by Including Global Landmarks copied to clipboard.
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BibTex of Pharos: Improving Navigation Instructions on Smartwatches by Including Global Landmarks could not be copied to clipboard.
Nina Wenig, Dirk Wenig, Steffen Ernst, Rainer Malaka, Brent Hecht and Johannes Schöning (2017) Pharos: Improving Navigation Instructions on Smartwatches by Including Global Landmarks In MobileHCI '17: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 7.1-7.13. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 10.1145/3098279.3098529 | PDF of Paper | BibTex
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BibTex of WatchThru: Expanding Smartwatch Displays with Mid-air Visuals and Wrist-worn Augmented Reality copied to clipboard.
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BibTex of WatchThru: Expanding Smartwatch Displays with Mid-air Visuals and Wrist-worn Augmented Reality could not be copied to clipboard.
Dirk Wenig, Johannes Schöning, Alex Olwal, Mathias Oben and Rainer Malaka (2017) WatchThru: Expanding Smartwatch Displays with Mid-air Visuals and Wrist-worn Augmented Reality In CHI '17: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 716-721. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 10.1145/3025453.3025852 | PDF of Paper | BibTex
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BibTex of The Geography of Pokémon GO: Beneficial and Problematic Effects on Places and Movement copied to clipboard.
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Ashley Colley, Jacob Thebault-Spieker, Allen Yilun Lin, Donald Degraen, Benjamin Fischman, Jonna Häkkilä, Kate Kuehl, Valentina Nisi, Nuno Nunes, Nina Wenig, Dirk Wenig, Brent Hecht and Johannes Schöning (2017) The Geography of Pokémon GO: Beneficial and Problematic Effects on Places and Movement In CHI '17: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1179-1192. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 10.1145/3025453.3025495 | PDF of Paper | BibTex
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BibTex of ScrollingHome: Bringing Image-based Indoor Navigation to Smartwatches copied to clipboard.
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BibTex of ScrollingHome: Bringing Image-based Indoor Navigation to Smartwatches could not be copied to clipboard.
Dirk Wenig, Alexander Steenbergen, Johannes Schöning, Brent Hecht and Rainer Malaka (2016) ScrollingHome: Bringing Image-based Indoor Navigation to Smartwatches In MobileHCI '16: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 400-406. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 10.1145/2935334.2935373 | BibTex Honorable Mention Award
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BibTex of StripeMaps: Improving Map-based Pedestrian Navigation for Smartwatches copied to clipboard.
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BibTex of StripeMaps: Improving Map-based Pedestrian Navigation for Smartwatches could not be copied to clipboard.
Dirk Wenig, Johannes Schöning, Brent Hecht and Rainer Malaka (2015) StripeMaps: Improving Map-based Pedestrian Navigation for Smartwatches In MobileHCI '15: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 52-62. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 10.1145/2785830.2785862 | BibTex Best Paper Award |
Projects |
VIVATOP funded by Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF (11/2018 03/2020) New information technologies can help to supply surgeons with important information before and during surgeries, thereby noticeably increasing the chances of a successful outcome. Goal of the VIVATOP project is to use Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D printing to effectively support the planning and execution of surgeries as well as training and education scenarios. More... first.stage funded by European Union, EU (02/2018 11/2019) The goal of the EU-project first.stage is to research, design, develop, evaluate, and showcase natural user interfaces that improve previsualisation in film, animation, and the performing arts by speaking the language of the artist rather than that of a technician, providing efficient workflows, and offering the high degree of control required by practitioners. This set of previs tools should be easy to use — requiring less training than current software, efficient — requiring less man-hours, and effective — offering the same level of precision and control as the specialist tools employed at the moment. It should further support distributed teamwork, as production teams are often spread over many places and only meet in person for short bursts. More... InfoSys funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG (07/2013 12/2014) In material sciences, a large amount of research data is generated through a broad spectrum of different experiments. As of today, the research data is often stored decentralized without generally accepted templates. Goal of the project is to establish a centralized information system for material sciences and to provide citable and (openly) accessible experimental data to the research community. More... |
Talks |
Marc Herrlich and Dirk Wenig (November 15, 2012) Natürlich realitätsbasiert – Interaktionsforschung am TZI World Usability Day (WUD) 2012. UPA Hannover, Hannover, Germany. |
Lectures |
Advanced Topics in Digital Media: An HCI Perspective on Chatbots University of Bremen (Winter 2019/2020) FiT in MINT: Digital Media, Module Mobile Media Academy for Continuing Education, University of Bremen (Winter 2015/2016) Mobile/Ubiquitous Media University of Bremen (Summer 2018, Winter 2016/2017, Winter 2015/2016, Summer 2014, Summer 2013, Summer 2012, Summer 2011) |
Teaching Assistance |
Mobile/Ubiquitous Media University of Bremen (Summer 2018, Winter 2016/2017, Summer 2014, Summer 2013, Summer 2012, Summer 2011) Introduction to Digital Media University of Bremen (Summer 2010, Winter 2009/2010) Human-Computer Interaction University of Bremen (Winter 2017/2018) Entertainment Computing University of Bremen (Summer 2016) |
Supervised Student Projects |
PreVIZzARt/Previsualisation (Bachelor) University of Bremen (Summer 2018) Sportal/Entertainment Computing (Master) University of Bremen (Winter 2012/2013) MoVirWorld/Mobile Virtual Worlds (Bachelor) University of Bremen (Summer 2012, Winter 2011/2012) |
Supervised Theses |
Leon Hahne (2020) Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines intelligenten Sleep-Timers mit Hilfe von Wearables Master (Second Reviewer) Lena Carolina Philip (2020) Potentiale von Messengern im Rahmen von politischem Aktivismus in Bezug auf Sicherheit Bachelor (Second Reviewer) Roman Arzaroli (2020) Intuitive 3D-Model Search in VR using Natural User Interfaces in a Previsualization Context Master (Advisor) Tiaden Niklas Beyl (2020) Evaluation of Interaction Techniques with Virtual Reality Objects Bachelor (Advisor) |
Personal Activities and Skills
Academic Volunteering |
Program Committee member Conference on Location Based Services (LBS) 2018, 2017 Local Organizer Global Game Jam 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 |
Social Engagement |
09/2002 02/2017 Emergency Medical Services, Rapid Response Unit (Schnelleinsatzgruppe Rettung) Administrative District of Rotenburg (Wümme) Rotenburg (Wümme), Germany |
Memberships |
CORRECT!V (CORRECTIV – Recherchen für die Gesellschaft gGmbH) FabLab Bremen e. V. German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Kreisverband Bemen e.V., DRK) German Society for Computer Sciences (Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V., GI) German UPA (Berufsverband der Deutschen Usability und User Experience Professionals e. V.) |
Mother Tongue | German |
Other Languages |
English (Language Certificate C1.1) |